Table of Contents


This library is a port of pantor/ruckig to IEC61131-3 Structured Text and brings free software powered Online Trajectory Generation to Codesys and TwinCAT 3. The library is dual licenced. You can use it under the terms of GPLv3, which summarized says that you can use it, redistribute it, study it, modify it as long as you distribute your code under the same terms and conditions. If you do not agree with the terms of the GPL and want to keep your source closed, contact me to get a commercial license for Struckig.

Why GPLv3

While a lot of free software projects nowadays use the MIT license instead of the GPLv3 license, I decided to use the latter one for Struckig. Free software, or as people like to call it open-source software, is not the same as free beer. You should either value its principles by using a copy-left license on your source code as well, or if you can not you should contribute to the community, which is using their spare time to implement this kind of software. For this project you can do this by supporting pantor by getting a pro version of ruckig or by contacting me for support with Struckig.

Install Struckig

Before you can use this library to blazingly fast calculate trajectories for your PLC project, you'll need to install it. The simplest way to install the latest version of Struckig is by using the Twinpack Package Manager.

But you can also compile the library ourself or use a precompiled library. Struckig doesn't have any dependencies to properitary libraries, so usually the precompiled library just works.

Getting started

After you installed Struckig you are ready to use it, but still have to reference it in your PLC, learn how to add the Struckig library to your PLC and how to use it to calculate your very first trajectory.


The API reference provides insights into the internals of Struckig.