Table of Contents

Pushover Twincat

Pushover is a cloud-based service for sending real-time notifications. It allows you to send alerts, reminders, and messages to smartphones and computers. Pushover supports various platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS. It provides APIs to send messages programmatically, making it ideal for industrial applications where real-time notifications are crucial.

This project allows integration of Pushover notifications directly from a PLC. It enables you to send real-time alerts and messages from your PLC over Pushover to notify users about important events, alarms, and statuses. There are two main parts of this project

  1. An ADS Server implemented with C#, which sends requests to pushover via the pushover api
  2. A PLC Library, which sends requests to the ADS Server

Installation (Windows)

  1. Download the latest release

  2. Install and start the Windows Service by opening a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges and running:

    sc create PushoverService binpath="<ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_PushoverService.exe>"
    sc start PushoverService

    For instance, the commands may look like

    sc create PushoverService binpath="C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads\PushoverTwincat\PushoverService.exe"
    sc start PushoverService

Installation (Linux, BSD)

  1. Download the latest release

  2. Create a service file /etc/systemd/system/pushoverservice.service, which looks similar to

    Description=Pushover TwinCAT Service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet </path/to/PushoverService.dll>/PushoverService.dll

    and adapt the placeholders </path/to/PushoverService.dll> and <youruser>

  3. Start the service by calling

    sudo systemctl enable pushoverservice
    sudo systemctl start pushoverservice


  1. Reference the Pushover PLC Library with the Twinpack Package Manager. Alternatively, get it from the latest GitHub release, install and reference it manually with TwinCAT.

  2. Use the following code for sending push notifications

       _send : BOOL;
       _pushoverClient : Pushover.PushoverClient('<your_pushover_apptoken>', '<your_pushover_user>');
    IF _send
       _send := FALSE;
       _pushoverClient.SendMessageAsync('Hello World!');

Uninstall (Windows)

  1. Uninstall the Windows Service by opening a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges and running:

    sc stop PushoverService
    sc delete PushoverService

Uninstall (Linux, BSD)

  1. Stop the service by calling

    sudo systemctl stop pushoverservice
  2. Delete the service file previously created in /etc/systemd/system/pushoverservice.service